TeamFun Privacy Policies

Welcome to TeamFun. We are one of the top esports mobile applications in India. With us, you can participate in different online game tournaments and win attractive rewards. 

This is our privacy policy page which tells about how we collect information from you when you use our service, and how we protect and disclose it. 

We use your information to deliver and improve our Service. By using our Service, you give your consent that we can store and process your personal data in agreement with this Privacy Policy. 


  • Personal Data – It is the information about a living individual who can be identified from that information.
  • Usage Data – It is the data, which is automatically collected from your use of our service such as the duration of your visit to our site. 
  • Cookies – These are small-sized files that our website sends to your device as you visit the site. 
  • User – User is the individual who uses our service. 

Information we collect and use

We collect different types of information for different purposes in a variety of ways, such as when you register with our Service, enter contests, win rewards, communicate with us, and more. 

Personal Data

When you visit our site and use our services, we may collect your personal data such as first and last name, contact information, email id, address, state, country, postal code, cookies, usage data, and more. 

We may use this information for marketing, for market research purposes, to provide, improve, and personalize our Service, and to send newsletters and other promotional materials that may interest you. If you want, you can unsubscribe our newsletters and other sorts of communication from us. 

Usage Data

We may collect information from your browser whenever you access our site or Service through any device. This information may comprise data such as your device’s IP address, type of browser and its version, the pages you might visit of our Service, date and time of visit, type of device you use, your device operating system, and more. 

Data about Location 

We may collect and use information about your location if you give us your consent. We use your location data to customize our Service. You can enable or disable your location settings in your browser whenever you want.

Cookies Data

We use cookies and other similar tools such as beacons, tags, scripts, etc. to track your activity on our Service. Cookies are files that contain a small piece of data. When you visit a website, the website sends cookies to your browser and the cookies get stored on your device. We use cookies such as Session cookies, preference cookies, advertising cookies, and more to improve and customize our Service as per your preferences. You can block the cookies in your browser settings. However, by blocking our cookies, you will not be able to gain access to some parts of our Service.

Other Data

While using our Service, we may also collect the following information: sex, age, date of birth, place of birth, address, telephone number (work, mobile), information on marital status, social security (or other taxpayer identification) number.

Usage of Data

TeamFun uses your data:

  • To provide and improve Service;
  • To let you know you any changes to our services;
  • To allow you access to exclusive and interactive features of our Service;
  • To provide customer support services;
  • To keep track of your usage of our Service;
  • To prevent, identify, and resolve possible technical concerns;
  • To fulfill our rights and responsibilities;
  • To notify you about information such as your account subscription, renewal, suspension, expiration, etc.
  • To provide news, special deals and offers and general information about our other goods, services, and events you have purchased or enquired about;
  • For any other reason and only with your consent.

Data Retention

We will keep your data for up until it is necessary for any purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. We will use your personal data to meet the terms of legal obligations, resolve issues, and put into effect our legal terms of service and policies.

Data Transfer 

We may transfer your data on computers at another location such as another state, region, country, other governmental jurisdiction, etc. The laws of data protection at a new location might be different from those in your jurisdiction.

If you live outside India and share your information with us, please know that we will move your data (including personal data) to India and will be managed there. By providing your information, and agreeing with this privacy policy, you are giving your consent to the data transfer. 

We take all the necessary steps to make sure that your data stays safe and in compliance with this Privacy Policy. Your data will not be transferred to an establishment or a country unless adequate data security and management measures are in place. 

Disclosure of Data

We may disclose your personal data provided by you for:

1. Law Enforcement

We may have to disclose your Personal Data in response to public or law enforcement authorities’ legal requests.

2. Business Transaction

In the event of our involvement in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, we may have to transfer your personal data.

3. Other circumstances

  • To our subsidiaries and associates
  • To third-party associates 
  • To meet your purpose of visiting and using our Service 
  • To incorporate your professional logo on our website
  • To appropriately protect the rights, property, or safety of the TeamFun Company, its customers, and others.

Data Security

Security of our users’ data is very important to us and we try our best to put every possible security measure to prevent issues such as data loss, data theft, identity theft, and more. Nevertheless, no security measure and no online and offline data transfer and storage method is 100% secure. We cannot guarantee 100% security of your personal data. 

Third-party service providers

We may use the services of third-party organizations and individuals to enable and optimize our Service, to monitor and analyze your usage of our Service, to automate the development of our Service, for showing advertisements, and to accomplish other services provided by them for our Service users.  

These third-party service providers may have restricted access to your Personal Data to perform their tasks on our company’s behalf. They are not allowed to share or use your information with outside parties for any other purpose.

We may also advertise our Service on third party websites after you have visited our Service. We and our third-party websites use cookies to collect information about your previous visits to our Service and post optimized ads accordingly. 


In our Service, we may use third-party services for processing payments for our paid products and/or services. We will retain your payment card details. Your payment details will directly be provided to our third-party payment service providers or processors. The usage of your personal information will be directed as per their Privacy Policy. Adhering to the PCI-DSS security standards, the third-party payment processors make sure that your payment information is managed in a completely secure environment. 

Other Website Links

You may find the links to other (third-party) websites on our Service. If you click on any of the given links, you will be taken to that third party’s website. We would recommend you to go through the privacy policy of any third-party website you are visiting. We are not responsible for any content, privacy policy, etc. of any third-party website. 

Data and Privacy of Children

We do not offer our services for those under the age of 18 (children). We do not collect data from underage children. If you come to know that a child has shared his or her personal data with us, contact our support team. Similarly, if we come to know about data we have unknowingly collected from children without the consent of their parents, we immediately start taking necessary steps to remove that information from our systems and servers.  

Changes in the Privacy Policy

We hold the right to make any changes in this privacy policy. We might update or make changes in our Privacy Policy once in a while. We will inform you about any changes through email or notification in advance before the changes take place. We recommend you to check our privacy policy from time to time to check for any changes. Any changes in the policy become effective from the day and time when they are posted on this page. 

For more information, you can contact us at any time. Please visit our Contact page for details.